“As an airline pilot, I like to think of businesses as airplanes; you have to understand the role and status of all individual parts and systems before you can make the aircraft successfully fly.”
Lauri Sipilä, Founder
LSX International was originally founded in 2017 as an independent, electronic commerce / brokerage company; we offered our clients effortless access to the most desired and exclusive experiences around the world. After assisting our partner company with a project, we discovered our ability to help also other businesses to thrive.
Our expertise, network and experience enabled us to expand our business model beyond the traditional brokering business and we started consulting our clients on strategic planning, risk mitigation and project management. Today, we offer our clients a wide range of consulting services for all business development areas.
Strategic analysis, process development and project management have become our specialties, but we are comfortable with assignments from other business areas as well. While our roots are originally in the event industry, we also have extensive knowledge from other business fields, such as logistics, aviation and information technology.
LSX International uses tools and methods that are suitable for small and big businesses alike. Our holistic approach, adaptability and teamwork skills ensure that our consulting services will be beneficial to all kinds of businesses in all possible scenarios.